Sunday, July 12, 2009

Birthday 09

There is a wonderful :), rocky, rough, non-vehicle road (except 4-wheelers, of course), up to Pine Creek Reservoir. Darren and Caitlyn came over and we went up and had a picnic here. Then Caitlyn and I walked around the thing. At the far end there is still snow--we're right at timber line. She was disappointed because the water and bog was right where we wanted to go. You should have seen her eyes when I started to take off my shoes and socks and roll up my pants. We made it around--over the rock slide and all. She was pretty proud of herself. I had a great time, too!

We partied the week before, and Tami & Lonny gave me a fantastic chair to set on my deck and recline and read..., Karissa a fun star for the study, and Alysha a California shirt. Today, I also received a Weber barbque. Whohooo. Now I get to learn a few new cooking skills :)
And... we went to the Prospector and had dinner and brought home a piece of lemon cheesecake--and shared it. YUMMMMMM!
Then Matt called. He had heard from the MD that the mole he had removed on Monday was benign. Nice birthday :) Love to all, Mom/Missy


Tami said...

Wonderful birthday! Gorgeous picture and fun hiking. Looks like a great day. Love you!

Sprack Attack said...

Looks like a beautiful spot to have a birthday picnic. Glad you had a nice day.

Alysha said...

Happy Birthday Mom!That looks like so much fun! I would have loved to be there with you!